Sunset Strong

We’re In This Together

Small business owners in the Sunset are doing all they can to continue to serve the community. To build awareness of these efforts, Supervisor Gordon Mar’s office has teamed with small businesses to create a new campaign: #SunsetStrong. #SunsetStrong is a resource for our community to discover how we can support each other. Browse the neighborhood businesses on this site and shop locally. We’re in this together.

面對新冠的難關,日落區的小商舖仍竭力為社區服務。 為了提高民眾對這些努力的了解,第四區市參事馬兆明辦公室正與小商舖合作,共同製作了一個新的宣傳系列:#日落濃情(#SunsetStrong)。#日落濃情,是我們社區發之間發掘相互支持的渠道。這個活動的目的是鼓勵市民來日落區進行本地購物,在這個非常時期共同渡過難關。

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Sushi Zen

One Boiling Pot Mixian Noodles

The Great Highway Gallery

Other Avenues Grocery Coop

Avenues Pet Hospital

Davis Foot Comfort Center

Banner shop inc.

Brother’s Mini Market

Select Physical Therapy


Jacob Hunter, REALTOR®

Ming’s Diner

Fiery Cafe

United Irish Cultural Center- Community, library, facility, shoppe, venue, programming,

The Game Parlour

Wen’s 123 Cleaners

American International Puti Dharma Society

SuperPan and E tea

La Playa Taqueria

Sunset Supermarket