Two Sunset artists — Georgia Hodges and Ana Teresa Fernández — have given the neighborhood some art that inspires, informs, and encourages dialogue. Thanks to Becky Lee for her informative piece in the Sunset Beacon describing the work of Georgia Hodges and Ana Teresa Fernández.

Georgia’s piece is a large scale mural on the side of a three-story residential building bordering the Far Out West Community Garden at 43rd Avenue and Judah Street. The work tells the story of the Green New Deal, bringing the document to life in words, images, and color. Georgia hopes the mural creates a sense of optimism and inspires whoever passes by to take action.

on the Great Highway
Ana Teresa created a series of sculptures on the Great Highway in response to racial injustice in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. The most recent piece, installed leading up to the November 3 election, features large gold block letters reading HOPE.
As Lee says in her article, “In the absence of museums and town halls, Hodges and Fernandez have reinvented the streets as public galleries and civic spaces. Through the power of visual art, they have brought congressional resolutions to community gardens and rally cries to seaside thoroughfares.”
Thanks to these artists for bringing beautiful, inspiring, and yes, provocative art to the neighborhood. Read the full article by Becky Lee “Sunset Artists’ Works Both Inspire and Irritate Community Members” in the Sunset Beacon.